MEET our SMART CHICK, she'll give you some tips from time to time like;
1)Which comes first; the chicken or the egg?
Actually, get your coop first. Want an easy to put together, predator proof start? Try the Rugged Ranch Universal Coop, welded wire pen to protect your chickens, but big enough to walk in and join them.
Get Chickens! If they're in your backyard in a coop remember baby chicks must be kept separate from adult hens. You don't need a rooster for hens to lay eggs, the eggs just won't be fertile for hatching. Check zoning in your area for guidelines.
The color of the egg shell is based on the breed of chicken you choose for example; an Ameraucana lays that pretty blue egg, Marans lay a deeper brown shell egg. Rhode Islands considered one of the best egg producers with a light brown shell.
3) Set up your feeder and waterer; Too busy to check everyday? Try the new Rugged ranch feeder and waterer, stays clean too. Get a good feed like Renew non GMO Poultry and our treats, coop cleaner and grit!
Chicken products for little poultry farmers
2) Get nesting boxes; we love the new/ vintage style metal nesting boxes in red or green with an extended fold up roost to keep your chickens from going number two in the box. Put them in a coop or barn and remember, your chickens like to roost about 2 feet off the ground. Put shavings or chopped straw in the nesting boxes to cradle your eggs.